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1 December 2024
- I'm currently recovering from a major folder synchronization foul-up
that's forced me to revert to a backup. Here's hoping I haven't lost any
actual content, but I've been inactive for a year so it should be OK.
- I'm still trying to find out exactly why things went so bad.
7 September 2024
- Some notes on Arduino. I'm pretty late to Arduino so I don't think I'm
bringing anything new to the platform but as a new user my notes may be
useful to other new users
23 July 2023
15 June 2022
- Apparently if I edit my themes to have 400*60 banners instead of 600*60
then Google will accept the page as "mobile friendly", so I can
have nice banners without breaking mobile browsing.
24 July 2021
- I'm replacing blocks of "preformatted text" (<pre> tag)
with regular text in a fixed width style. Hopefully this will stop Google
from dinging pages for poor mobile visibility because the preformatted text
won't flow to fit smaller screens.
5 June 2021
- I'm reorganising the site so the larger sections (IMVU, Gamemaker,
Openslug) are more like separate sites. This should improve maintainability,
or in other words it should mean I spend less time waiting for the editor to
catch up when I add or edit pages.
9 March 2020
- Google wants me to improve "Mobile usability", so I've added
viewport tags and got rid of the graphic banners.
13 August 2019
- Installed a SSD in the spring. Neglected to reinstall a few tools
afterwards so things lapsed a bit
3 October 2018
- Well another two years has gone, and it looks like Gamemaker Studio is
going to "expire" soon
- Haven't decided whether to go with Studio 2 or not, just not that
committed to game making
- Learning how to use GIT, so hopefully no more mixed up "old
version" folders
30 May 2016
- Here's the modified bouncing ball
- Found 3 Megabytes of warnings dumped to the log file. I really need to
find a file truncation tool to age and discard old warnings.
- Finally I think I've got the high score table script to stop spamming
warnings every time a file operation returns "undef".
- Though it would probably be easier to just turn warnings off
3 April 2016
- Well I installed a SSD last July and never bothered to reinstall Frontpage
after, I've only just got round to putting it back on
- Played a lot of Minecraft
- Also some World of Tanks (not as much)
- Made a modified version of the ball game
- Got round to reinstalling Frontpage
- and the patches
- and Filezilla
- and sorted out the server clock I hope
8 June 2015
- Updated auto-sprites as much to my
surprise the technique will work in GM Studio
5 June 2015
27 January 2015
- So what happened for the last three years: Minecraft happened!!
- On the bright side Gamemaker HTML5 matured into Gamemaker Studio, and
things actually work now.
- Except FOG which may still be broken, I'm not certain
9 January 2012
- Looks like I've been neglecting this for too long. Nearly a year without
an update
- Gamemaker HTML5: I have the beta version and its been a struggle but its
now looking like a credible development platform
- New computer
- Windows 7 64bit, looks like I'll have to get to grip with dosbox at some
point as I still have some old 8 bit stuff
- Experiments in WiFi
26 February
13 February
30 January 2011
- Removed the pages on forcing an update to an IMVU product, the information
is obsolete
- Resuming editing after a hard drive upgrade and Windows reinstall
5 October
- Removed some decayed links from the pose editor section. The Free Poses
thread will be missed.
2 June
- At last I've sourced a replacement PSU for my NSLU2, the original ones all
seem to be giving up on me. I expect my fileserver will need a new one too.
21 March
16 February
- Installed a newer version of SlugOS on one of my NSLU2s. For what that
means see here and for the new section see here
20 January
- Fixed some duff "alt text", so everything isn't a "seethrough
inner tube" any more
- Learned that I've been doing it all wrong, "tooltip" captions go
in the "title=" attribute, not "alt=" which is reserved
for the text alternative
- which is stupid, the <IMG> tag should have had a closing </IMG>
counterpart with the text between them being replaced by the image, then
alternative text could have gone between the tags and non-graphical browsers
could ignore the tag entirely.
13 January 2010
Has it really been that long...scary
17 June
13 June
18 April
- Made a new Force Update page to
reflect the behaviour of IMVU client 410.0 as I understand it.
- Updated the Billy
vs Snakeman game links to the new post-recode URLs in the hope that I
get some referrer credits in-game.
2 April
- Updated the IMVU Force Update page to
indicate that it may no longer apply.
- Added the thinner cushion to the list of derivables
1 April 2009
- Updated IMVU Transparency bug to
reflect the observation that version 410.0 appears to handle it better than
previous versions.
15 October
13 October
- Added some room-specific extensions to the XSF
Format definition
9 October
4 July
1 July
29 June 2008
- Starting a Perl section, mainly covering the use of the Perl language to
manipulate IMVU mesh files.
28 June 2008
26 June 2008