Velleman K8055 USB interface boardAn inexpensive digital and analog interface for connection to a computer via USB. The official device driver is for windows only, but after the release of the first open source driver by Nicholas Sutre: http://linuxk8055.free.fr/ or http://freshmeat.net/projects/linuxk8055/ there has been an increasing level of unofficial Linux support.The Julien Etelain and Edward Nys version was simplified, it only required a C compiler instead of C++ and it could be compiled without a "make" tool. http://soft.pmad.net/k8055/ This version also gained a simple output format consisting of a single line of numbers delimited by semicolons. Sven Lindberg repackages the program as a linkable library: http://libk8055.sourceforge.net/ with a command line version that looks equivalent to the Etelain and Nys version. Mohawksoft http://www.mohawksoft.org/ claim to have their own version but it's only available via CVS. I'm going to concentrate on the Julien Etelain and Edward Nys version due to the ease of compilation. We can download the source straight to the slug:
Unpack it using the built in "tar":
Now you need a working C compiler: Change to the k8055_src directory and you can compile the program:
Note I always get that warning, I think it's safe to ignore. Try to run the program: If there's no device present:
If the k8055 board is connected: