Water Panic SpritesChunky sprite font for the Water Panic game captions. Note the font is anti-aliased to a blue background and looks rough against other backgrounds. Higher resolution version of the font (shown 50%), not actually used in Water Panic due to memory considerations, but it looks good. Water background. This was generated by summing a whole lot of sine functions to make a "heaving" depth map, then using Serif Photo-plus to add smaller ripples and "light source" it. Various objects from the game. Some are cut out, others are anti-aliased to blue. Unfortunately the boot is anti-aliased to white not blue and it shows up. Some stuff that's not from Water Panic The beach ball sprite I used in Water Panic was from a clipart collection and probably copyright to someone or other. Instead here's one I drew from scratch. Of course if you do use this in a game you'll probably want to scale it down a bit!! There's also a version with rotations. The sprite was rotated first, then the lighting was added, so the light direction stays fixed as the ball rotates.